Läänemere Kunstipark on kavandatud kaunisse parki. Jõeäärse mitmekesine haljastus on kavandamisele ideaalseks lähtekohaks. Pargi puistust lähtuv arhitektuur on korrastatud ümbruse planeeringuliste suundadega. Kunstipark on vaiade vahel. Vaiad algavad puude vahelt, joondudes jõele ning sealt tagasi puude rüppe.
Vaiad seovad paviljonid, hoone ning pargi üheks. Vaiade väli on sadam randuvale kultuurilisele kirevusele, ajutisele ja püsivale. Vaiad on hoolimata aastaaegadest, suvel väravaks naabermaade paviljonidele, talvel raamiks uisuplatsile. Vaiade ja kai vahele moodustub veepeegliga plats.
Näitusemaja on vaiade vahel kogu aasta. Fuajee on kaldapealse keskel, jooksutades südamena pargi elu. Saal ja paviljonid on kogumise kohad – rahu kogemiseks, vaated virgutuseks. Kohvik, park ja paviljonide vahelised parved kogetu salvestamiseks
Baltic Sea Art Park is designed into a beautiful park near a river. The diverse vegetation of the river side is a perfect starting point for the designing. The architecture of the park is derived from the tree scape and is organized according to the axes of surrounding planning’s. The Art Park is between piles. The piles begin between the trees, continue towards the river and back towards the trees again.
The piles connect the pavilions, a public building and the park with each other, creating a whole. The field of the piles is a port for cultural diversity – temporary and lasting. The piles stay in the park in spite of the change of seasons. In summer they act as a gate to neighbouring countries pavilions, in winter they frame ice rink. There is water mirrored square between the piles and a pier.
The exhibition house is between the piles all year round. The lobby is in the centre of the river shore acting as the heart of the park. The hall and pavilions are places for collecting, peaceful places to experience, the views from the windows are for refreshment. The cafe, park and rafts are for saving the experienced.