Stuudio Tallinn on koostöös Salto arhitektidega alates aastast 2014 kavandanud Tallinna kruiisiterminali ning praeguseks oleme jõudnud eelprojekti faasi. Tallinna Vanasadam on linna keskne transiidisõlm, mis praeguseni on suures osas linlastele suletud. Meie projekt näeb ette kavandada uus kruiisiterminal ja avada Loodemuuli põhjaserv avalikusele üldkasutatava pargina, kus asuvad mänguväljakud, kohvik ja restoran.
In 2014, Stuudio Tallinn in collaboration with Salto Architects are designing new Tallinn Cruise Terminal. Currently the preliminary design is completed and next phase of planning is in process. Tallinn Cruise Ship Port is a significant part of the city’s infrastructure at large, and thus, it required a wider conceptualisation of the area to make it a landmark where both tourists and local people would enjoy coming. The port area will be inviting people to take walks and spend their time on a 800 metres long public promenade progressing from the centre of the city along a historical pier in Tallinn bay.